Branding: What it is, plus 5 ways it can help you recruit the best tech talent

Branding: What it is, plus 5 ways it can help you recruit the best tech talent
By Fay Capstick
This week we shall be looking at company branding, including what this actually means and how you can improve and nurture yours. Then we will look at why good branding can help you to recruit the best tech talent in the industry.
What is branding?
A company brand is the overall image, reputation, or perception that people have of your company. This can be internally as well as externally. It will be a combination of many factors including experiences, interactions and word of mouth relating to your company.
What influences a company brand?
Your company brand will be influenced by the reaction that people have to your products/services, advertising and press coverage, as well as reputation. Your company history will be included, which for some companies can be multiple decades or centuries. Your customer services and quality of product and service will have an influence as well as your marketing and advertising efforts.
Why is a strong brand important?
A strong company brand will help you build up a good and solid reputation, as well as trust and credibility and also loyalty. This will be from existing customers, potential customers, and shareholders. And very importantly, potential employees.
How can I develop my company brand?
There are things that you can do to help develop your company brand. Firstly, you need to define your brand identity. Who are you as a business and how do you want the world to see you? Think about what your company’s mission is, its values, vision and vibe. You will need a clear and consistent image to build up your brand. Market research can help you to understand your target audience, competitors, and how you are currently viewed. A strong and cohesive visual identity should be developed. Think colours used, your logo and typeface. All can help to create a strong image which will make your brand memorable and recognisable. Developing brand messaging that communicates your brand values is important and this messaging should be consistent in all areas of your business, such as customer service, advertising, and website. Brand awareness can be promoted through platforms such as social media, events, advertising and sponsorship. This can help you to reach a broader audience. Measuring your metrics will mean you can assess how your efforts are working, for example through post engagements and sales.
Using branding to help recruit the top tech talent
So now we know what branding is and how you can help to boost yours, but how can brand awareness help you to recruit that best talent that the tech and IT industry have to offer? Here are five ways:
- Having a strong and positive branding will help your business stand out to potential employees and candidates and will raise awareness with your clients and potential clients. This will hopefully help your company stand out to those with the specialist tech skills that you want to attract, particularly if you can build a reputation for innovation and particularly technical innovation.
- Positive reputation: A positive reputation in the tech and IT industry is particularly important given the fast pace that it moves at. Candidates will be looking to work at businesses that are at the forefront and cutting edge of the changes that are happening. Branding can help you to get this reputation.
- Competitive advantage: Tech talent is in high demand and the top talent will have a choice of where they work. Positive branding can mean that they will want to work for you as your branding will make you stand out from your competitors when recruiting.
- Employee retention: Strong branding will attract top talent. You then need to retain your talent by maintaining strong internal branding and company loyalty within a supportive work culture. Further, to retain your cutting edge image in the tech industry you should make sure that you regularly reassess you branding and corporate message. Your talent should also be able to keep their skills cutting edge.
- More talent! With a strong and positive reputation you are more likely to attract the most skilled and unique talent that is available. Like attracts like and your talent acquisition should snowball as the most talented and creative recommend their workplace to their peers.