How AI will help the UK

By Fay Capstick
The government has announced a £32 million boost to AI in the UK economy that should help improve our lives by cutting train delays and speeding up NHS services. This week we will look at what has been announced and what it means for you.
What has happened?
The UK government has announced a funding boost for AI in order to help public services, according to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.
They have announced the businesses and projects that have been chosen to receive government funding to help develop their ideas. Businesses had the opportunity to submit their proposals for consideration back in October 2023 under the previous government.
What does this mean in practice?
This means that the government wants to improve everyday life for people by using AI to introduce changes that can be made through technological advancement. Specifically, they want to improve things for working people, such as helping reduce train delays by reducing the time needed to perform essential repair work. This is great news. Though with the net zero push fewer and fewer people are commuting to work by any method, choosing to work from home if they are an office-based worker. However, better trains will improve life for everyone, including tourists, bringing a boost to the UK economy. A project will also help to improve safety on the rail network. This will be via the development of ‘an entirely autonomous system which can monitor, manage and identify defects on rail infrastructure across the country.’
98 AI Projects…
The £32 million in funding is being divided between 98 different projects, all of which have the potential to help our lives run smoothly, such as improving the efficiency of prescription drug deliveries for pharmacies that then deliver. Other projects aim to help the construction workforce become better skilled, using AI to improve site safety.
These projects are based all over the UK, thus providing a boost and opportunities in all areas of the country (including Southampton, Hampshire, where Parker Shaw is based). One business in Cambridge has been awarded £750,000 to develop improved designs for motors in electric vehicles.
Another project will see AI used to help price clothing in the second-hand market, which will help the environment by reducing waste and greenhouse emissions. Another project that will help sustainability is a system for intelligent climate control for indoor farming, an area very likely to grow (no pun intended).
All the selected businesses have already started work on their innovations.
And over 200 businesses and organisations
The 98 projects mean that funding will be spread over more than 200 businesses and research organisations. These are in all sectors. All are in things that could improve daily life.
If you would like to see the full list of winning projects, you can find it here:
What do we think?
At Parker Shaw, we strongly believe in the immense potential of AI and the coming AI Revolution to help transform our lives positively in both big and small ways. This funding shows how keen the government are to make sure the UK is at the forefront of this revolution that will sweep the world, one that it is essential that the UK leads if we are to compete economically in this new landscape. It should also help with the government's goal to ‘spark economic growth through a productivity revolution.’
Many of these projects will also lead, via efficiencies made, to a lowering in carbon emissions. This will help the UK to reach its net zero target, which will benefit us all.
Final thoughts
At Parker Shaw we have been at the forefront of the sector we serve, IT & Digital Recruitment and Consulting, for over 35 years. We can advise you on all your hiring needs. If you are looking for your next job in the IT sector please check our Jobs Board for our current live vacancies at