
You may have noticed something a bit different about our website, something a bit fresher. Perhaps you’ve seen we’re no longer P.S. Computer Services, and instead we are now Parker Shaw, named after the two founders of the business nearly 30 years ago, Tony Parker and Christopher Shaw. Our name was chosen before there was even a web to search, so we have finally decided to make ourselves more easily searchable.

You’ll start to notice some changes around the website in the next few weeks. We’ll be launching a live job board, so if you’re looking for work then you can find out if we have a role that may be suitable for you in just a couple of clicks.

We’ll also be giving you a more in depth look at Parker Shaw and how we operate, from “a day in the life” features to how we will be getting involved with the community. There will also be articles on particular members of staff so you can get to know the team a bit more.

So whether you’re:

  • looking for a permanent job for the next step of your career;
  • a contractor searching for your next role;
  • a business with a role to fill within your company;
  • or just looking for advice, whether in finding work or filling a vacancy.

Head over to our vacancies page or contact us and we’ll do our best to help.

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