The benefits of having a diverse workforce in the IT industry

By Fay Capstick
Last week we focused on how to actively and positively promote diverse candidates in the IT industry. This week we shall go further and look at the benefits you stand to gain by having a diverse workforce.
Enhanced creativity
A diverse workforce brings enhanced creativity to your work place. This will result in new perspectives and fresh ideas being generated. The IT and tech industry is a very creative one, and a diverse workforce will help to provide a variety of ways of solving complex technical problems. This will massively benefit the industry. In fact, a study by the Centre for Talent Innovation (1) found that a more diverse management team led to more innovation within a company, which is a huge win for the IT and tech industry.
Improved user understanding…
A more diverse workforce means that you will be in a better position to meet the needs of your diverse users. Your products, services, and user experiences will be better designed to be more inclusive to meet wider needs. You might not even be aware of these needs unless you have a diverse staff to identify them.
…leads to increased customer satisfaction
By understanding your users better you will increase customer satisfaction from the diverse users that you will naturally have. Increased customer satisfaction, due to products and services being tailored accordingly, will lead to more loyal customers. These customers will be loyal because they feel that their needs are being met. They will also be more likely to tell their friends about your specific product.
Happy staff
A survey by Deloitte has found that businesses that prioritise diversity in their workplace have higher levels of employee satisfaction. Staff were found to be less likely to move jobs and more likely to achieve their targets. So happier customers and happier staff.
Better decisions
You will find that a more diverse team will make better decisions than a homogeneous workforce. A diverse team brings more life experiences, skills, project management methodologies, and solutions to the table. This will provide your business with an advantage over competitors.
Broader skill set
Diverse staff will come with a more diverse set of skills, as their route into the industry might not have been a traditional one. This broader skill set, coupled with a different life experience and perspective, will means that you will have the benefit of wider knowledge to call upon. This will make your business stronger.
Keep your talent!
People are more likely to want to work in a diverse workplace. So as well as a happier and more content workforce you will find that increasing diversity means that talented team members are more likely to want to carry on working with you. Your talent retention rate will increase and you will find that your team are more likely to recommend that their wider social circle consider working for you too. A win win!
A more diverse workforce will bring multiple benefits to your business. These include better financial performance, more innovation and creativity, and a more loyal and engaged workforce. It can also bring a more positive public facing image to your business.
Final thoughts
At Parker Shaw we have been at the forefront of the sector we serve, IT & Digital Recruitment and Consulting, for over 30 years. We can advise you on all your hiring needs. If you are looking for your next job in the IT sector please check our Jobs Board for our current live vacancies at
(1) https://www.talentinnovation.o...’s-Positive-Impact-on-Innovation-and-Outcomes-CTI-Chapter.pdf