What is with that Orb?

By Fay Capstick
You may have seen an image of a futuristic-looking orb in the news, with mention of how it will be able to save us from the forthcoming AI apocalypse. This week we shall look at what this Orb is and whether you should let it scan you (hint: it might not be a good idea).
What has happened?
An image of an Orb has been in the news. It looks like the sort of thing you’d see in a sci-fi film floating around, like an airborne Alexa, except this one doesn’t float, you have to hold it at arm's length. But what is it really?
Sam Altman, its creator, thinks it is a way to help us should a robot uprising happen. This is slightly worrying as Sam Altman will likely also be the probable cause of any robot uprising, being that he is the founder of OpenAI, the business behind ChatGPT and likely the root cause of any robot uprising in the first place.
How does this relate to crypto?
If you let Sam Altman’s machine scan your eyeball you will be rewarded with a crypto payment in the form of a new currency, one he has created (current value £1.56). Basically, you are giving away your identity in exchange for a small amount in a new crypto, Worldcoin, that may or may not (but probably not) go on to be worth something. Worldcoin is planned to be truly universal and open to all, regardless of economic status, which is at least a positive point for it.
Why the orb?
Orbs have been rolled out in cities around the world. Your nearest is probably in London, where there are currently two locations (and a total of 1,500 worldwide). You will need to make an appointment, as thousands have done, for your chance to be in a queue and stare into this futuristic orb. There is also the chance of finding a pop-up Orb location.
Worryingly, the Worldcoin website lists the opportunity to become a Worldcoin Operator, where you can earn money (it is unclear whether this is real money or more crypto) for deciding where to locate an orb and getting people to sign up to “start their crypto journey.” This rather smacks as a scam opportunity and the website illustrates it with images of happy people holding Orbs. You are told “if all goes well” they will send you an Orb and you will earn a commission for getting people to sign-up. Kinda like receiving an Avon sample pack. Weirdly, this is not available in the United States yet due to regulatory issues.
The orb will scan your iris, something that is unique to you, you will then receive your reward in the form of Worldcoin. The scan itself should take 10 seconds and you are then issued with a unique number.
…and then what?
Sam Altman is hoping that these scans will help in the future to decide if someone is a human or a robot, as well as remedy a host of other potential problems.
Sounds far-fetched, right? Maybe, but over 2 million people around the world have already signed up.
So what is Worldcoin and what is the point?
Worldcoin is the crypto-based currency that you will be rewarded with. Worldcoin was founded three years ago with the aim of “creating a new identity and financial network owned by everyone”, and they are now rolling it out.
Altman’s aim is to deliver a “reliable solution” for telling humans and AI apart. This is something that today isn’t a problem but might become a problem quite soon (In the online world at least. IRL we don’t expect it to be an issue for quite a while yet).
Worldcoin will give everyone a digital identity, called World ID, and a digital currency (WLD). This will only be available to humans. You can already start this process by downloading World App and then visiting an Orb.
What does Universal Basic Income have to do with it?
Good question! Universal Basic Income, UBI, is something that has been suggested for many years. Various countries have undertaken small-scale trials and overall the results have been positive. UBI would provide everyone with a small basic income, enough for a very basic living. Should you want extra you can work to provide a better standard of living. It means that no one will fall through the cracks and that society will be fairer. In theory anyway. There are many arguments for and against, but we won’t go into them in this blog.
However, Sam Altman thinks that Worldcoin could “show a potential path to AI-funded UBI.” This is extremely interesting as we have previously discussed how the forthcoming AI revolution will cause a massive shake-up in the economy, society, and jobs, one that will cause a great deal of unemployment in ‘old’ jobs while ushering in ‘new jobs’. UBI might be the thing that gets the world through this transition period. Whether Worldcoin will be the path behind UBI is another matter entirely and something we shall be keeping a watch on.
What happens when I visit an Orb?
Once you have visited an Orb, your identity as a real person is confirmed. The Orb itself is a biometric verification device. Once you have visited you will receive a World ID. Orbs are being rolled out and their locations, should you want to find one and book yourself in, are listed in the World App.
What happens to my iris scan?
Worldcoin says that they do not store your iris scan. However, I find the whole idea worrying, as irises are unique sensitive biometric information and not something that should just be given away.
Will this protect us from the robot apocalypse?
Um, no.
Why, just why?
Altman truly believes that this is a way to “share the coming technological prosperity.” This is rather vague and sketchy, but I think he means well. I am extremely sceptical as to whether this is the answer, part of the answer, or an utterly pointless but well-meaning endeavour.
Sam Altman has the money, team, and backing behind him to be able to launch schemes like this and we can only wish him well in his endeavour to solve some of the coming problems that his own technology is going to create in the world.
You can learn more about Worldcoin here: https://worldcoin.org/
Final thoughts
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